For intramuscular vaccination of healthy horses 9 months of age or older as an aid in the prevention of respiratory diseases caused by the EHV 1p and EHV 1b viruses as well as for use in pregnant mares as an aid in the prevention of abortion due to EHV 1 infections.
For pregnant mares, aseptically administer one 2 mL dose intramuscularly during the 5th, 7th and 9th months of pregnancy. Revaccinate annually at the 5th, 7th and 9th months of pregnancy. For young horses, administer one 2 mL dose intramuscularly followed by a second 2 mL dose 3 to 4 weeks later. Revaccinate with a single 2 mL dose 6 months after the second primary dose and annually thereafter. To insure proper placement and retention of the vaccine, inject deep into the heavy muscles of the hindquarter.
Mild exercise to promote absorption is recommended for one week after injection. Maiden and barren mares kept in barn- or pasture-contact with vaccinated pregnant mares should be vaccinated on the same schedule as the pregnant mares with which they are in contact. Mares more than five months pregnant at the time of arrival on a farm should be vaccinated upon arrival and at two-month intervals until foaling. Pregnant mares that are in contact with mares that have aborted equine herpesvirus 1 infected fetuses should be vaccinated. Such vaccination may provide immunity for those mares in the group which are not incubating an abortigenic infection at the time of vaccination.
*Choose Options Below for Size: (Single Dose or 10-Dose Bottle)
*This product is cold-shipped. We strongly recommend overnight shipping and do not offer returns or refunds on refrigerated items not shipped overnight.*
*Note: This product cannot be shipped internationally.*